2 x 100g balls of Sirdar Bonus Chunky yarn (the colour I used is
6mm knitting needles
The pattern is 12
rows repeated. Odd rows are front side
facing, even rows are inside facing and are all the same.
Front : Cast on 40 Stitches
Row 1 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 2 : K16 P8 K16
Row 3 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 4 : K16 P8 K16
Row 5 : K14 P2 C4B
C4F P2 K14
Row 6 : K16 P8 K16
Row 7 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 8 : K16 P8 K16
Row 9 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 10 : K16 P8 K16
Row 11 : K14 P2 CF4 C4B P2 K14
Row 12 : K16 P8 K16
Repeat this pattern 8 times. On the 12th row of the 8th
repeat, cast off 12 stitches at the beginning of the row, then continue with
the pattern.
Cast off 12 stitches at the beginning of the following
row, then K2 P2 rib for 5”. Cast off
Back : Cast on 40 Stitches
Row 1 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 2 : K16 P8 K16
Row 3 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 4 : K16 P8 K16
Row 5 : K14 P2 C4B
C4F P2 K14 *
Row 6 : K16 P8 K16
Row 7 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 8 : K16 P8 K16
Row 9 : K14 P2 K8
P2 K14
Row 10 : K16 P8 K16
Row 11 : K14 P2 CF4 C4B P2 K14 *
Row 12 : K16 P8 K16
Repeat this pattern 5 times. On the 12th row of the 5th repeat, cast off 12 stitches at the beginning of the row, then continue with
the pattern. Cast off 12 stitches at the beginning of the following
row, then K2 P2 rib for 5”. Cast off
To sew up :

Turn inside out and fold the ‘neck’ down.
* C4B – cable 4
backwards. Slip two stitches onto a
cable needle and hold behind the knitting, knit the next two stitches and then
the two from the cable needle.
C4F - cable 4 forwards. Slip two stitches onto a cable needle and
hold in front of the knitting, knit the next two stitches and then the two from
the cable needle.