This is the little sweetheart who’s been taking up all of my
time these last several months!
Holly came to us in August last year, at nine weeks of
age. The months since have been
occasionally chaotic, very rarely frustrating, frequently funny and always
rewarding. The time I’ve spent buried in
dog training, dog behaviour and dog psych books has paid off in spades. At almost a year old, Holly is a
delight. Full of beans and with a huge
personality, she is constantly entertaining and can be playful yet still gentle.
My 89 year old father adores her, and she him. She is incredibly gentle and patient with him
and loves nothing more than to sit at his side.
Life around the old homestead has changed significantly
too. From being quite houseproud, I can
now often be seen sitting with a cuppa while chaos reigns around me. My motto these days is “it’s a house where a
dog lives”!! It only takes five minutes
to do a quick tidy up, and another five with the vacuum cleaner to restore some
order! Holly favours an outside feel to the living room so I am constantly picking
up bits of stick, leaves, moss and occasionally muddy grassy clumps where she’s
strewn them around.

The winter months brought their own joys for Holly; Autumn
leaves to be chased along, and brought inside endlessly! For one glorious week in January we had
snow. Proper snow, disruptive snow, drifts
of snow, the snow I remember from my childhood.
Holly LOVED it! I would find her
lying outside, flat out on the snow all day, and all night if I’d let her! She used to love running and jumping through
it, catching snowballs and looking to see where they’d disappeared to, but most
of all rolling and rolling around in it, making snow dogs! Another bonus to the winter months were cosy early nights. Holly and I would often take off for an early night, she curled up asleep at my side, I with my nose buried in a book!

At nearly a year old now she is pretty much fully grown, and
is a lovely petite little lady. She has
a beautiful fine coat, with white ‘angels wings’ on her shoulders, white pants
and mane. She has a lovely sweet nature,
loving and gentle, she is still full of mischief from time to time and has a
huge personality. For all of that, she
is incredibly well behaved and loves to please.
We’ve been on an incredible journey over the last ten
months, and I have loved every minute of it.
Life now is very, very different – but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Holly my darling, here’s to many, many, many more years of
chaos xxx