This is a bit of a cheat’s recipe in that I cut out quite a
few corners because of time pressures.
With the flavour of the ale and the long slow cooking it makes little
difference to the finished dish though!
For two people :
1 large onion, peeled and diced
1 large carrot, peeled and diced
½ lb of stewing beef
4 large mushrooms, cleaned and sliced thickly
1 sprig of rosemary washed and finely chopped
1tb Worcestershire sauce
1tb tomato puree
1tb flour
1 bottle of good ale/beer
Salt and pepper to taste
Gently cook the onion and carrot in 1tb of olive oil for a
few minutes, while you chop the rosemary.
Add the beef to the onion and carrot and stir together, then
add the rosemary and the flour and stir well.
Slowly add the beer (because it will froth up) and then the Worcestershire
sauce, tomato puree, mushrooms and seasoning.
Cook,covered in a slow oven for 2 ½ to 3 hours at 150oC/300oF/Gas
mark 2
This is delicious served either with mashed potatoes, or
brown rice and a green vegetable.