What an eventful few weeks I’ve had. I’m now all of six weeks old and my breeder
has started weaning me onto puppy food.
I’m liking this development very much!
I’ve started exploring outside, what an interesting place
this seems to be. My brothers and
sisters and I have lots of fun scampering around in the sunshine, although Mum
seems to do a disappearing act from time to time, looking for what she calls
peace and quiet.

I had some visitors last weekend when my new Mum & Dad
came to visit me. We had just had our
lunch and were enjoying a little snooze in the garden when they arrived to see
us all. It was very exciting. I had lots of cuddles and kisses and got to
show off all the new things I’ve been doing.
My brothers and sisters enjoyed the excitement too. I was quite glad to have a sleep after all of

I only have just over three more weeks left here now before
I go to live in my new home. I’m quite
looking forward to seeing my new home and all the exciting things to explore